Thursday, December 18, 2008

Where did November Go??

Wow.....not totally sure what happened to November....or most of December for that matter. Life in the Luedtke house has not slowed down....although things have started to even out a little. Leah has come such a long ways in the past two months. Things were pretty emotional the first 2-3 weeks, but since then, she has become even more confident and comfortable. Her and Reese are starting to interact more and more every day. They will even spend some time just sitting together doing a puzzle, playing on the slide, or building with blocks. They also enjoy teasing each other, wrestling, and reading books together. It is so much fun to watch them together. Definitely just the beginning of a great sister relationship.

Thanksgiving was great this year. Kris and Tim were up and it was great to have some time to catch up. It was their first time meeting Leah since we brought her home in October. The girls loved having so many people around to play with them, especially because Christmas came early this year. Kris and Tim wanted to give the girls their gifts we had a lot of fun with some new toys.

Other than that....things just keep plugging away. Getting ready for baby boy. It is still kind of hard to believe that we are going to have another one coming soon, but my stomach is evidence enough that he is coming.

Enjoy the photos....I will try to keep them coming.