Thursday, August 20, 2009

Bad blogger penance

So...since I know I have been a bad blogger lately, I promise to get a ton of photos updated soon. Watch for those.

Wednesday, August 19, 2009


Being a family of 5 doesn't come without a few hitches in the system. I have found that balancing time with kids, time at work, time with friends, time with spouse, time with me, and time with God to be quite challenging. I keep trying to remind myself to live in the moment and to try and enjoy the life in front of me, even if it is a challenge. People often laugh when I tell them that we have 3 kids three and under. It is usually followed by " you must have your hands full." Although this statement may be true, every minute of it is a blessing. To have three healthy, funny, sweet, loving, energetic, and brilliant (mama's bias) children is a true miracle. I see every day how fragile life is. Especially how fragile a young life is.

So...where was I going. I was saying. I have come to the realization that finding this perfect balance between all my roles just isn't going to happen. And you know...I am ok with that. I will take what life brings me and I will cherish the blessings of each day. I will embrace the chaos of my life right now because there isn't anywhere else I would want to be. I will work to voice my thanks to God and my love to my family. I think that is the best anyone can do.

Saturday, August 8, 2009

Time to catch up

Well...maybe not catch up, but try and be more diligent about writing updates. Blogging is really tough for me because I don't have as much free time as I used to. The Luedtke house is doing well. Reese turned 3 in May, Leah turned 2 in June, and Keegan is already 5 months old. Where does the time go?? We have really been enjoying Eau Claire this summer. The Farmer's Market is one of our favorite places to go. We are also regulars on Thursday night for "Music in the Park". The kids really enjoy all the festivities and they get to run around and jump off big rocks.

We have two couple friends who are going through the adoption process and we are really excited for them. Please keep Josh, Mindy, Aly, and Jon in your prayers as they continue their wait for their children. Hard to believe, but if we want to adopt again we will have to start the process over again....and soon.
For now....I promise to try and be better at this, but don't expect too much too soon. Have a great night everyone. I am off to share some wine and conversation with my husband.