Monday, September 14, 2009

Updates...see below

Keegan Andrew continues to grow...more out then up. He is able to sit up now without help, reaches for anything he wants, gabs a lot at his siters, coos for his mommy, and belly laughs for daddy. He is such a sweet little guy with a wonderful personality. It is so easy to see God's glory when you watch the growth and development of a child.

Leah Delbo....just cannot wait to do everything!!! She started pre-school with her sister this year. She is the life of the classroom, showing everyone her backpack, shoes, baby brother, and love for life. We cannot believe that she has only been home with us 11 months. It feels like she has been there always. Leah gives new meaning to the words excitement and energy.

Teresa Mary...showing us everyday how blessed we are to have her. She has the kindest soul and softest touch about her. What Leah has in energy, Reese has in compassion. It is so wonderful to watch her everyday, especially with her brother and sister. She too is starting pre-school as well as dance classes this year. Should make things exciting for all involved.
As for Ryan and me....we continue to work at jobs we love and engross ourselves in our kids. We are hoping to start a small group for church this fall. It seems like the one aspect of our lives that needs a little more attention. For now...enjoy the pics and I will try and get more out as they roll in. I just got a new digital camera and am anxious to test it out.

Check me out ladies!!!
I love Food!!! (if you couldn't tell)

So Smiley!!

It takes a real man to sit in a pink bumbo
Upside down Keegan

Leah and Birtie (best friends from Ethiopia)

Ryan and Matti

Leah and Giada

Reese and Giada

This is Reese's surprised face
Helmets please!!!

Keegan's Godparents Aly and Greg

Keegan's Baptism


Say Cheese!!!!!!!!!!!!