Saturday, August 11, 2007

Why Adoption

Adoption is something that Ryan and I have always wanted to do. We have always been saddened the number of children in the world who go without food, homes, love, water, interaction, or just a sense of belonging. There are more children in this world than there are homes for them, so we have always wanted to be that loving family and home that every child deserves. After having Reese via c-section, we felt that for our second child adoption would be the best option. We started by looking at various agencies, going to some seminars, and finally decided to use Children's Home Society and Family Services. First of all, this agency has been placing children in homes for over a hundred years. They are also the largest non profit adoption agency in Minnesota. We were excited about the different programs they offered as well as the preparation they had for adopting parents. It has been a lot of time, and mounds of paperwork, but extremely educational. Currently, we are waiting to hear back from our social worker about possible dates to do our home studies. We will have more information about the rest of the process at that time.

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