Sunday, June 8, 2008

The Big Move

Well....we have officially left Red Wing and are working on making the transition to Eau Claire. I started my new job May 19 at Luther Hospital as a staff pharmacist. Things are going very well, but I will be much happier when we are finally living in Eau Claire. Right now, we are still waiting for our house to sell. We have a second showing on Tuesday June 10, so please be praying that they are the ones. Until the house sells, Ryan and I are planning on living with his family in Neillsville Wisconsin, which is 1 hour from Eau Claire. It is a very long commute, and I don't like doing it. However, I think this has truly been a blessing for us and for Ryan's family. Ryan's dad, Kent, had pretty major surgery in April, and he isn't able to keep up his business like he did before. Ryan and I decided that since he wasn't going to be working in Eau Claire until August, that he could spend some time with his dad to try and keep the business going. It will be especially needed in July since Kent has to go in for another surgery. To is just amazing how God's plan gets revealed to you. Once August rolls around, we plan to rent something small in EC until the house sells. We don't want to be commuting once we are both working and Reese is going to day care. Ryan has taken a job at the Newman Center parish on the UWEC campus. During this first year, his focus will be on family faith formation and youth ministry. After a year or two, he will also be taking on Campus Ministries, which will be a pretty big change for him. We are both really excited for all these great changes that are coming our way. It feels great to be moving closer to family and to a town we have loved since college. Life is a little crazy righ now, but all the change is good, and we feel very blessed for the opportunities we have been given.

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