Saturday, September 15, 2007

The Never Ending Paperwork

Well....we have started to try and piece together the last parts of our paperwork. We have two major documents left to put together. One is called the I-600A, which is our request to the US government to allow us to bring a child in from another country. The second is our Dossier...which is basically everything and anything you would want to know about Ryan and me. We need all police records, health records, birth and marriage certificates, letters of recommendation, bank statements, 401k statements, income statements....nothing is off limits. If anyone is considering adoption, just be prepared for all skeletons to come out of the closet because they want to know everything. We know it will be worth when we bring this child home. We have requested a girl, mostly because we have an entire house of girl stuff from Reese. However, we are open for either a boy or a girl. I may not have too many updates until we get our referral from Ethiopia. The rest of the time will pretty much be a waiting game. Time to research Ethiopia and prepare lifelong change we are embarking on and to try and get the rest of our lives in order before baby #2 arrives. We are always open for questions if people have any. I will try and get some resources posted for those who are interested. Peace.

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