Monday, November 12, 2007

The final Stretch

We have completed our Dossier (which is our international paperwork) for Ethiopia. Our home study is done and everything is in the hands of our agency at this point. The last thing that we need to do is get fingerprinted by the FBI (scary) so that they can run whatever checks they need to run. After that, we will be waiting. Waiting for whatever child is out there that God is going to bless us with. This is a very good place for us. Neither Ryan or I am very good with paperwork, so it is nice to have a little break for a while. We will be using this time to look into Grants and Fundraising ideas to help with the financial part of adoption. We have grown a lot through this experience, and really had to think about who we are and why we are adopting. We have learned so much about not only adoption but parenting as well. I can honestly say that this has been very different from being pregnant. It doesn't quite feel real yet. To think that we could be bringing another child home in a matter of months just hasn't seeped in all the way. I am sure it will when we get our referral, just like it did when we had our first ultrasound. That first picture really hits home. So....please be praying for us, for the birth mother who is making a birth plan for her child, and for the child who will soon become our child.


Unknown said...

aww i'm glad you emailed me about this. i feel super out of the loop way over in michigan. i'm glad you're done with your paperwork. i'm sure that feels really good. and if this makes you feel any better, i have a file in the fbi database because i worked at the casino, so they have all of my fingerprints too. :)

Staples said...

We are actually pretty worried about the results from the FBI. I mean does it matter that your past job was "Drug Lords of Ethiopia."? Maybe not. We will be in prayer.

Liz and Jesse Pukrop said...

Brooke and Ryan,
We are so excited you are at this point in the adoption process. Just know that whomever the baby is he/she will be blessed to become a Luedtke.
Liz and Jesse