Wednesday, August 19, 2009


Being a family of 5 doesn't come without a few hitches in the system. I have found that balancing time with kids, time at work, time with friends, time with spouse, time with me, and time with God to be quite challenging. I keep trying to remind myself to live in the moment and to try and enjoy the life in front of me, even if it is a challenge. People often laugh when I tell them that we have 3 kids three and under. It is usually followed by " you must have your hands full." Although this statement may be true, every minute of it is a blessing. To have three healthy, funny, sweet, loving, energetic, and brilliant (mama's bias) children is a true miracle. I see every day how fragile life is. Especially how fragile a young life is.

So...where was I going. I was saying. I have come to the realization that finding this perfect balance between all my roles just isn't going to happen. And you know...I am ok with that. I will take what life brings me and I will cherish the blessings of each day. I will embrace the chaos of my life right now because there isn't anywhere else I would want to be. I will work to voice my thanks to God and my love to my family. I think that is the best anyone can do.

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